Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A heated debate

Last nite I had a heated debate with a friend. In fact, she is probably expecting this post this morning....I think she egged me on to get a little action on the blog, but that is another story. We were discussing the fact that a friend of hers is very young unmarried and pregnant. I said it kinda of would pissed me off, She replied, you are just jealous of her and u shouldn't be pissed off at her. I said no, I am pissed off. I am not jealous of this young woman...however, I am pissed off at the situation. Our discussion went on like this for a bit. My friend, believes that when I say I am pissed off, it means I am jealous. She believes that if I am not saying I am jealous because it doesn't sound good. I disagree. Because to me being angry at a situation and jealous are completely different. I am not jealous at all at this person. I feel badly for her in fact. I am just pissed off at the situation. Plain and simple. I am over it. I am not wallowing in anger. If I was jealous, to me that is a completely different feeling. It hurts more. It's deeper. And it last longer. It's more personal. Being pissed off is an immediate reaction for me. Something that I don't linger on. It just one of those things. does anyone get what I am saying?


Stephanie said...

I get it!!!! You hit it on the head...... jealousy hurts more & is deeper. Pissed off/angry = immediate. Very well put!

Anonymous said...

This friend...does she have her own biological children? Just wondering...I agree with you. I think it's anger when it's immediate. That's how I've felt for the past 5 years. Angry when the crackwhores have children.

Email Marketing Yenta said...

Yes, this friend does have biological children.

Susan said...

Hey, I wasn't gonna jump in on this one, but who am I to miss a party?

Question - do we know if the girl's handling her pregnancy responsibly regarding drinking, drugs and smoking, following doc's orders, etc?

If she's messing up her unborn child then yes, I'd be livid. If she's not, then why be angry? Absolutely, it feels like an injustice that she's having a baby which she may not even want, while we're having to jump thru these hoops, but isn't that life?

(Now I'm gonna duck while the sh*t flies!)

Email Marketing Yenta said...

Pissed off to me is momentary..I am not wallowing...just one of those moments when u ain't fair...then move on.

Anonymous said...

i agree with susan

Email Marketing Yenta said...

but remember....and this is the most important thing...everyone is entitled to have emotions and feelings and reactions to situations...whether it is jealousy or being pissed off....that is the beauty of being are entitled to your feelings! So, I say...I am entitled to feel pissed off about the fact that someone who doesn't even want to be pregnant is pregnant and that I and thousands of others who desire to be a mother more then anything else in the world...are stuck...WAITING! And the person who doesn't want to be identified, it's easy for you to say because you have your can't identify with this pain that we feel. I am sorry, but u can't. And by the way, Susan wrote me off line and told me she completely gets where I am coming from.

Anonymous said...

i was offended by your anger at the girl, who has enough problems of her own. i understand being angry at the situation, i am too, on many levels.
please put this one to bed wendi.

Email Marketing Yenta said...

I have an absolute right to feel as I do. I am really tired of feeling sorry for others all the time and denying my own feelings. It's to bed.