Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spring cleaning


What a mess! My closets that is. I am knee-deep in moving my fall/winter stuff over into my spring/summer stuff. Every year this annual tradition takes place in April/May and October. I HATE IT.

Although I LOVE it when it's completed. I go thru the new seasonal wardrobe, and although I had enough clothes to wear the year before, it never seems like I have anything now. I have so much stuff to trash, it's not even funny. Did I tell you I HATE THIS. Right now the townhouse we are living in has two bedrooms, big closets in each room and one large walk-in downstairs. The large walk-in downstairs is now my large walk-in office in a closet.We have a computer and shelves in here. I have plenty of junk in here as well. I HATE IT. However, we will be building a "home office" unit in our kitchen. We are working on the design now but it should be great. Beautiful built-ins that match the cabinets in my kitchen. This way we gain the use of this big closet downstairs so I can clear the closet upstairs for my Lia-Rose's stuff. Which by the way I am starting to slowly accumulate, only when I see something really cute. Anyway, do u realize what I am doing right now? I am prograstinating. I have heaps of clothes on my bed right now which need to put away. Me, however, I sit here typing this and dream that when I go upstairs my closet will look like this but with more ladies clothes.

Anyway I better get back to work now! It's still early enough to finish and enjoy the rest of my afternoon. By the way, I started Nutri-System today, so far so good! I guess I am spring cleaning not just my closets, but my body as well. I like that thought!

1 comment:

Daniella said...

Good luck with the closets. I so love NOT having to do that anymore. I do remember though when we lived in NY the Fall and Spring torture of it. Good luck with Nutri-System. I have a friend who used that and it worked. I lost 30lbs with LA Weight loss and a personal trainer. Have a good weekend.