Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Today is my birthday! I am 46 years young and look back on the past few years and see how profoundly my life has changed....for the better.
I met my husband, fell in love and married.
I met my step children fell in love and become a step mum.
I watch my nieces and watch how they have blossomed into nice little girls and beautiful young women.
I have shared many laughs with my sister and my respect for her continues to grow.
I have been blessed with healthy and loving parents, aunts and uncles.
I have worked in a supportive environment and am watching some of my professional dreams become true.
I have studied, read and learned so much.
I have traveled to several cities and visited the most beautiful Perth, Australia.
I have met and fostered some wonderful new friendships with the most amazing people.
I have shared some great times with many oldfriends and grown to love them even more.
I know I am blessed. I am honored to have YOU in my life.
However, the greatest and most important thing that has happened to me over the past few years is the conception in my heart of my daughter Lia-Rose. I do truly believe that by next year at this time we will certainly have a better idea of when we will be holding you...I am waiting for YOU with an open heart.
Happy Birthday to Lia-Rose's "mummy" to be.....ME!
(PS The photo above is from my living room window at sunset. Not a bad view to share your life with :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Happy Happy Happy birthday!!!!

I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wendi!!

Stephanie said...

Happy belated birthday, Wendi!! I'm sorry this is late. My grandmother passed away last week and I just returned from the funeral. I hope it was a lovely day and I wish you a super-fabulous year ahead!