Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I am very angry

O'k, aside from being very premenstrual...I know, to much information....but it will explain a little bit of my state...I am upset, furious and down right hysterical over the latest news that Vietnam is speeding up the Jolie adoption. God bless this child. He deserves a home...but Ms. Jolie...get in line....I know tons of wonderful parents who would adopt this kid in a second. Why are u helping continue to pait the picture that internation adoption is easy! That all you need is money and poof ...a child! Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I am sick of the jokes I hear...oh you are adopting a baby ...just like Angelina... ha ha..buying a kid Wendi!? Wrong! I don't think it's right that the rules are one way for some and one way for others. Do you know that with Vietnam adoptions you need to stay in the country for 2 weeks before u can come come Angelina is flying there tonite and the press is saying she will be home this weekend with her son! Wrong! How come an unmarried, living with her partner out of wedlock, gone thru relationships like its no one's business, blood drinking ( Not sure where I got that one), making out with her brother, horrible relationship with her father, marriage breaking person gets's wrong wrong wrong!


Anonymous said...

Kudos Wendi for saying what I am feeling! Thank you ...all of us in the adoption commuity should be outraged!

Anonymous said...

The "anyone can buy a baby" thing pisses me off to no end. Comparing our journeys to those of Madonna and Angelina poss me off further. Part of me desperately wants to believe that Angelina updated her homestudy, prepared a dossier and stayed in-country...but it just isn't so. Here we are adopting...waiting and waiting for our chance to be parents. We have to illustrate ourselves as being this pristine being with perfect social and financial backgrounds...and other people can make out with siblings and claim sexual activity in a car and get pushed through. It's so damn frustrating...

Susan said...

Count me in, ladies! I don't actually blame AJ herself. She wants to adopt, and she can, so she does. And to her credit, she really gives a LOT of her time and energy to benefit the disadvantaged kids in those parts of the world.
I do, of course, blame "the system". Yes, the same system that has us jumping through the most preposterous hoops and waiting for months and months - hell, years! - yet allows celebs to bounce in and, as I said in my blog, just grab "pick of the litter".

Now THAT ain't right.

Anonymous said...

It was just reported that AJ will not flying back with her son this weekend due to the adoption policies. Also just reported by Access Hollywood that the adoption process was started 10 months ago.
I agree that this is not fair as it appears that the rich and famous get to go to the front on the line for everything!!! A positive is that it spotlighting the need for parents for these children that live without parents for years. Think positive you too will have a child just will take a wee bit longer!!