Monday, March 26, 2007

A crazy day for my friends

Without mentioning names, as it's not my place, two of my buddies had very crazy days today regarding their quest for mommy-hood. Adoption is not easy. Don't be fooled. We might not put up with midnight cravings (o'k we do but have no hormonal excuse for it), gain weight (that too), and have painful labor.. but this method of having a baby really is tough. There's always paperwork, there is always anxiety that some system is going to fail you and of course there is this complete feeling of "no control" because once you put the paperwork in, you have really little control. Anyway these two special friends, made tremendous headway today.
One got her referral over the weekend!!!! (Not from China) and now has to scramble to get her butt to this particular country in a week! Meanwhile, her paperwork is not finished because of her stupid homestudy agency and other assorted nonsense...but today she worked the phone and faxes and it's going happen! (And the baby is very sweet) Now my other friend, this poor lass (who the hell calls anyone a lass anymore, that just came out), well anyway, this poor lass has been waiting a very very long time for her referral. She re-did her dossier about a thousand times....and still no baby (not from China either) she worked the phones as well...and finally there is going to be some action! The agency admitted that her case wasn't being treated right, and hopefully they are going to put on the heat and as they promise...bring her little girl to her! These two ladies give me such hope and I am living thru their experiences to carry me thru to my own referral. Here's hoping to a quick and seamless next few weeks for them both! Congrats are both in your final hours of gestation's to much easier deliveries!


Anonymous said...

Well, if anything, I hope my experience demonstrates how the agency will work for you. They drive you nuts, but they make it happen. Thanks for your good wishes!

And you really my delivery will be easy? I think I'm in for some bumps, just because that's the way it's been!

Susan said...

Aw, thanks...yer too sweet!!!

the poor lass :-)