Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I heart Addie!

First off it’s my favorite day of the year! My sister and nieces return home from camp. About 15 minutes ago my cell phone rings and I hear the saddest little voice say hello. I couldn’t even tell which of my nieces it was, but it was my niece Addison crying her heart out about leaving camp. I tried to explain to her that it was o’k to cry and that before she knew it, she would be home with her best friends there. I promised her that I would take her to see her camp friends whom she cried “there is only one that lives near me. One lives in Virginia!”. As I tried to change the topic to something else, Addie says to me. “Wendi, Lia will be here soon. It’s only a short time away for Lia.” I said, “oh honey, it might be awhile more.” She said “no, you told me by the time I am in first grade, Lia would be here.” Ugh, it’s true, we did tell her that because last year that’s what we thought! I said, “Addie, it might be a little longer” and at that point the phone died. How do you explain to a six year old that referrals have slowed down? How do you explain to a six year old that she might be second grade before this baby comes? For some reason that conversation really cemented for me how long this has really been. I will remain strong. I will remain strong. I will remain strong. But boy, isn't it time for some good news?


Unknown said...

What a conversation!

Anonymous said...

I think Addie will understand. She knows how special Lia-Rose is and sometimes wonderful things take some time. This little girl is your strength!

Julie and Steve said...

I hear ya sista! We will see our "Lias" in time...and the right Lias will be waiting for each of us when the time is right! Hang in there...

"The other Lia's mom" :)