Monday, August 27, 2007

5 plus 5 =10!

Wow, double digits in the wait! Ten long but went by in retrospect, very
quickly. When looking back ten months ago, we definetly thought at this point we
would have about three or four more to go. We know that isn't happening, and
gosh, if it was, I would be freaking out right now, so at least I have more time
to get things ready. And with that, here is my list of ten things to do before my
baby comes-
1. Get my work/life plan in order so that when L-R arrives the situation is in
2. All though I have a few items that I have bought for her, begin buying some
of the more basic items, so that when she comes home it won't be a mad mad rush
to Target to get 'em
3. Save money
4. Do a really good check into the daycare in my town
5. Start looking for baby furniture
6 Learn more about attachment issues
7 Develope a good work out plan that will be difficult to break
8 Get to to goal weight, about twelve to fifteen more pounds and figure out how
to stay there
9 Take a vacation in the islands with daddy joe
10 Learn more chinese
So, I am sure there are fifty more items, but if I broke down each individual
item here, there are at least five things to do. The good news for me is that
many of these tasks are started already. So for those of you out there who are
stressing about the wait....started doing right now what you need to do. Imagine
for yourself what would happen if u got the call today. What areas of your life,
or what "to do's" would need to be in order...? Start 'em now, what a great time
to take to not procrastinate! Happy 10 to my Audrey and Daniella!


kitchu said...

VERY good list, and here's to your first month in the DOUBLE digits!!
Happy 10!

Anonymous said...

I object to should REGISTER for things you need so your friends and family can shower you wth gifts.

Email Marketing Yenta said...

I know...but I'm jewish so I have to be careful about how much stuff I bring in the's one of our traditions, to wait until after baby comes....

Unknown said...

Yeah for double digits..I love lists..Im actually afraid to start mine

Unknown said...

Yeah for double digits..I love lists..Im actually afraid to start mine

Unknown said...

Yeah for double digits..I love lists..Im actually afraid to start mine

Unknown said...

Yeah for double digits..I love lists..Im actually afraid to start mine

Daniella said...

Happy 10 my friend! Can you imagine how freaking out where gonna be when we are really close - Love the list and I'm going to start making one so we are not so freaked. We better be in China together!

Stephanie said...

Happy 10 months, Wendi! 12 - 15 more pounds? What are you, Nicole Ritchie? Enough already.