Monday, July 30, 2007

Will Power

Never though I had it. Whether it is that extra glass of wine or the handful of cookies that I could easily grab and don't, something has changed inside of me and I can only say that it is willpower. The willpower not to lose faith in myself, my marriage, my world as this wait continues. The willpower to stick to a diet and exercise plan and lose 15 pounds! (Yes 15 so far!). The willpower to not let my heart feel broken when mind says my baby needs me. The willpower to still laugh when others around me are down and blue. The willpower to feel that I can make a difference for others. The willpower not to cave in and call it a day. I am stronger then ever. Knowing and truly believing that Lia-Rose WILL BE is making me a better person. We all have those little voices inside of us that tempt us to deviate where we need to remain strong. My first act of becoming a mother is to become the type of mother my daughter would be proud of. Strong, in control and satisfied. The gift that Lia-Rose has already blessed me with is the willpower to become just that. Willpower: Determination, resolve, drive, strength of will, strength of mind, self-control, self-disipline. I wish that for us all.


Stephanie said...

You go girl!!! Fifteen pounds is amazing!!! Go buy yourself a new outfit.....or two :).

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you! And I gained your 15 pounds and then some.

Daniella said...

Way to go!!!!