Tonite marks the start of the Jewish observation of Rosh Hashanha. This holiday marks the start of the Jewish New Year. There is very little in common with our New Year's celebration of parties and champagne. This is a more peaceful, solem celebration. Families gather for dinner this evening. Many attend services tonite. Tomorrow is a day filled with prayer and promise. It's a time for us all to look back on the mistakes we made this past year and plan on making changes for the upcoming year. So you know, I am not the most "religious" person. I am deeply spirtitual however. I don't attend Temple regularily, but I pray everyday. This suits me. I am taking this time to attend to some deep reflection. I also will be handling some personal business that will help Joe, Lia-Rose, my stepkids-Adam and Annie,and I. I am working right now on setting us up for our future as a new family. Joe, if you are reading this, thank you for your incredible support. You blow me away sometimes with your strength and courage. My husband has taught me that it's o'k to make big change. It might be scary and overwhelming, but the nerves we feel our natural. We just can not get caught up in them. It's time to step up to the plate and go for it! It's a great lesson for me to think of during this holiday.
I'll be away until Sunday. I wish you all the best holiday season, whether your Jewish or not. It's a new year, a time to start over again. A time to continue doing what is working and making changes in what we need to. L'shanah tovah (a wish you a wonderful New Year)!
I wish you a wonderful, peaceful New Year. Enjoy your time away. Change is good - it's what makes us grow and your hubs sounds awesome.
love ya friend
A very peaceful New Year... I had no idea, I love learning about the roots of my own faith, which are forever grounded in Judaism. I should read more about it, I don't, I slack.
Anyway. Happy New Year to you.
L'Shanah Tovah, my dear! May your year be sweet. Just like you.
Shanah tovah, baby! To you and yours...
I wish you a wonderful New Year! I wish all the best with you big change.
gut ta nu
Wishing you an amazing year or happiness, optimism, comfort, enlightenment, prosperity..what else? :)
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