Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Day of Atonement.....a day to embrace change

Yesterday was Yom Kippur. This is the most holy of holy days in the Jewish religion. A time for reflection, a time to remember the past and a time to ask god for forgiveness for anyway you may have sinned during the year. We hope to do good in the New Year and of course, remember those in our lives who have passed. We also engage in a fast for 24 hours. As I have said, I am not a traditional or religious Jew. I don't attend attend services regularly, or follow a strict kosher diet. I am a cultural Jew. I love love being Jewish. It definitely defines me in a very "ethnic way." I love what Judaism represents to me...history, family, giving, warmth, political awareness and great sense of self. Not to mention a great sense of humor. This Yom Kippur I spent with my family in Philly. I fasted from 6:30p on Friday nite to just after 5pm on Saturday. (This was not an easy fast, but others suffer more) I reflect about change this High Holiday season. How change is part of our life. To be afraid of change holds you back. It limits you from your greatest potential. I am continuing to embrace change.From the change within me to the change happening around me. It is what is supposed to happen, and what I envision for my life. This is change that I do have control over. I look up right now and in front of me are Chinese letters that spell out the words, "one day at a time." It's so appropriate to me right now. I am taking my life one day at a time. Not being doubtful. Remaining positive and as I've said before, focused. There is huge change in becoming a mother, and as I see it....all that is happening to me is just the preparedness for just that. Spiritually, I am totally we wait for it to manifest into the reality that we can't wait for. We take day at a time!

Addendum: Friends, please visit the following website
I urge you to donate. This beautiful baby Sophia is undergoing a blood transfusion. This could be anyone of us. Her parents brought their seemingly healthy little baby home and she really needs help now. Donate. It feels good!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I just can't get over how similar we are. The way you explained your faith and your love of being Jewish is me to the "t". I'm only half Jewish and non-practicing at that yet I feel I am 100% Jewish and so very proud to say it. I hate it when people say to me, "You don't look Jewish". Grrrrrrr, damn button nose.

Oh, I forgot your fam was in Philly. We have a halloween store there too. If anyone needs anything, let me know & I'll be sure they get the family/friends discount. The store is at 4610 City Line Avenue.
