We did it folks! My support groups first ever live event. It was amazing! It was called to start at 2p and at 1:55pm, my father and husband were getting a little nervous ....hey this is the NYC area, people arrive, albeit, not at the exact time.
By 2:15pm the room was filling up and all my chairs were filled! It was amazing!! Oh I said that already. It was fantastic because of the wonderful people in the room all there for the same reason...our daughters and sons, waiting for us. About 10 or more kids came and we had a nice little arts and crafts area set up downstairs. One of my group members Jean (who I loved in person and on the phone for that matter) bought some beautiful craft products. Her daughter Lian was also beyond words cute and funny as anything. Then my incredibly talented and shrinking sister who we all know and love, Lori and her company Camp Snuggly provided facepainting for the kids as well as Snugglies for giveway. So great! Our speakers were incredible. Susan Scheftel spoke about attachment. I loved how she talked about how it's important for us during the wait to make our babies real, the way we are. This is bonding going on and it's very important. She also talked about how it's really about the parent's attitude in the whole bonding process that makes the difference. I was so busy running around I should have had somebody take notes for me...but I did get the gist of her words. She also told me that I am going to be a great mother...why? Because she saw how my mother worries and cares about me....she said having a mother that feels that way about me...is a great indicator that that's what Lia-Rose will have with me! Very sweet.
The two other speakers were amazing. Jeff Gammage shared with us his story about his daughters. He also noted that he believes the Olympics may in fact have something to do with the slowdown in referrals. And, finally Dr. Goldstein. Not only is she beautiful ...can I say Grey's Anatomy...she is brilliant! I can't belive how lucky I am to have found my daughter's peditrician already! Really great information ....talking about many of the important medical things to look for...special needs (club foot, cleft palate) that might be less of a special need then we think. Everyone was just really impressed!
The people who came were great...I had emailed with so many of them so it was really fun to see them in person. I am really really excited with the support and love everyone shared. And yes, I met my Audrey and her lovely husband Jeff! Audrey, I totally know you are reading this right now...but you are beautiful inside and out and I'm thrilled we will be traveling together to meet our girlies!!!!
After the event I had about 10 people back to the house. Lori and my niece and niece's friend slept over...and we had great chinese food, wine, beer, fortune cookies and just a really lovely time! Special thanks to my friend Susan who schelped out to be there and shared her own adoption story with us all.
I am exhausted but really proud of having created a community with a wonderful group of people. And ...the best part, my parents came up and were part of all also! I am so happy about that. Here's some pictures
That's me addressing the crowd.....

My volunteers Hayley and her bff Halle who helped in the kids area

PS at the top is the wonderful Chloe! Facepainting courtesy of Camp Snuggly!
Yeah, a success! I knew it would be! So wish I could have attended.
Can't tell you how great it was to talk with you on Friday. Talk to you soon, my friend.
i am so proud of you... my eyes were welling with tears reading this entry (of happiness that you will be a mother so soon- something i thought you were born to be the minute i met you, of joy for all your successes, and of pride for just knowing you. You make the world a better place and I truly look up to you and hope someday you will give me all your wisdom when I embark on my own adoption of my little girl!
Ahhh, you knew I was reading this!! Now will my reply go through??????
You did an absolutely fabulous job organizing this event. It was so great!!
It was wonderful meeting you and Joe (and your family!). Jeff and I are thrilled that we will all be together in China. We can't wait to get together again with you and Joe...let's set a dinner date.
You are an amazing and wonderful person and we will be in each others lives now forever!!
Love you,
xoxo, A
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My reply went through!! I officially NOT a computer dummy anymore!!
And, thank you for the lovely words about me!!
Sounds like a huge success! I had no doubt it would be. Wish I could have been there.
Wendi - You really did an amazing job...what a great event!! (And I'm not even adopting from China!)
And Audrey, girl - I knew you could do it! :-)~
Don't kill me for forgetting your event! I am absolutely THRILLED that it went so well. I knew it would. It was in very capable hands :)
It was a great event Wendi! Thanks for inviting us. Chloe had so much fun.
Chloe is fantastic. Wait till u see the video!
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