Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I am fine. I am sorry for the last post. I sounded so negative and I felt it for that moment. And I know that you know this…..because YOU would be the first to tell ME, it’s o’k to feel crappy. It’s all part of this journey.

I was coaching a colleague today. We were talking about being in that space where it just feels like nothing is going your way. She was feeling very anxious about her current work situation and really unsure about how to move forward. Being in that place was really debilitating to her. It was impeding her success and progress The more she stayed in that place, the harder it is was to move forward The key is to shift yourself out of that space. It’s really a challenge. I really empathized with her. I related to her how I was feeling yesterday about the referrals, or lack there of. I felt so bad. I let myself feel bad but then for my own purposes of sanity I very consciously shifted my thinking to a more a positive one. I had to get out of that “place”. It takes a lot of strength and courage to force yourself to do it. But it is possible and we as a Waiting Family community have got to do this. We can’t sit there in a heap of negativity. We must continue to move forward. Keep ourselves positive and kick ourselves in our butts when we find ourselves in “the place”. Let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Get over the frustration. Whether you are an older first time mommy like me, or one with three kids and waiting on your fourth. The frustration is the same. I am not sugar coating any of this. This wait completely sucks. It’s terrible that it is happening to us right now. But, life is not perfect. This is our story, and I’m sure that one day it will all make complete sense. Take control. Be happy. Stay positive….it’s the one big thing you can take charge of here. As Nike says, Just Do It. So, I look over at my work colleague now, she is making phone calls with a smile on her face. She is taking control of her destiny. I wish us all the same….


Daniella said...

I needed to read that right now. Trying to get past this dissapointment. I'm going to email you now - I have a question for ya.

Daniella said...

I needed to read that right now. Trying to get past this dissapointment. I'm going to email you now - I have a question for ya.

Anonymous said...

It's really all about choices.

And what we think isn't always what we believe. We can think negative thoughts, the key is not to believe them.

Thanks for your insight.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I's that shift we need to work on...from negative to positive.

JoAnn in NJ said...

Hi Wendi~
Great insights today. I am not a very patient person (I think the long timeline was a lesson in patience for me) and I pray very hard for it every day.

Personally, waiting for anything is hard for me. As you know I am currently on a job hunt...AWFUL! August is a bad month to start.

I know I will find a wonderful job and my life will go back to a normal stance for me...but I want it NOW!

So, I hear ya, whatever your heart's desire's damned hard to wait for it!
