Monday, October 15, 2007

Baths, bifocals and breast exams

So last night I tool a very hot long bath. Joe and I have a fantastic big jacuzzi bath in our bathroom. Not that it is that big, but my nieces bring their bathing suits for it.(Plus fill it with bubbles). Anyway, I decided to really meditate. Or at least try.Usually when I meditate I over-think it. But not last night. My mind was silenced. My heart clear. These words came to me.."Your daughter is not in China." I silently gasped. Thought what the hell? I silenced myself again. It took some time and then I heard " she is not yet born". And I heard that several times. I can understand that to be true and I was strangely renewed. Again, if she not yet born, how can I be with her? I also felt a large pregnant belly. Not mine. But a belly....hmmmmm

I got bifocals. I hate them. Can't seem to hold my head the right way.

I had my breast mammogrammed today. Ouch! I kept thinking of the baby. Of staying healthy for L-R. It still hurt like hell...but baby in mind keeps me strong.


Anonymous said...

So Lia-Rose is on her way into the world...isn't that exciting? You're with her on a spiritual level no one can possibly understand. You are meant to raise this little flower, love her and show her an amazing new think of that swelling belly as you wait with your growing heart. The most amazing day is coming and I am so excited for you!

Stephanie said...

Can you try that for me and find out when I'm getting my son??

Thanks for mentioning the mammogram. I'm making my appointment today. It will be my first and I'm a little scared. There is nothing there to squeeze.

Daniella said...

That is awesome!!!! Funny right before I logged on, I scheduled my mammogram for next week. Did I mention, I love my bracelet!!!! Started the book last night too :)