Song to the tune of my favorite things.....(probably only Lori and my mom will get this one ;) )
Lori Jill C....K dear daughter of Aaron
New Jersey mother and stuffed bear baron
Sister of Wendi and daughter of Joyce
Heidi S......z surely made you her choice
Three lovely ladies you raise in your house
One handsome husband who is surely no louse
This song's been song over 30 years
Oh my god Lori your laughing thru tears
It's pretty crazy and so hazy how these years flew by
One minute we're 18 now Hay Syd are tweens
At least Addie's still wetting her pants!!!
Happy Birthday my beautiful and most loving and special sister! Your are truly the best friend anyone can have and I love you with all my heart for all you have done for me. You are going to be the best Aunt ever to your niece Lia Rose!
(Just so everyone gets the joke, when I was 13 and Bat Mitzvahed a wonderful man named Robert H wrote a song to celebrate my Bat Mitzvah. It was to the tune of "My Favorite things." Now on every special occasion...including my wedding, wedding shower and 40th birthday, a song is written by my sister to me ....the above is my weak attempt at doing it for her. By the way, Hayley and Sydney-wait to you see what we sing to you at your Bat Mitzvah!)