Friday, January 16, 2009

Not so fast

So, it's not happening this time. Note, Taiwan is generally a two hearing place. The judge goes through the paperwork, and if there are questions they are raised during the first hearing. So there were questions...and fortunetly, they aren't really "about " us...they were a few administrative things that the Judge didn't like how they were handled. I have to let my frustration go. Can't be angry. The judge is doing HER job. Which is good that she is a she, I was concerned that she would rule against us because I was a working my facilator the scheme of things "this is not that big of a deal" and will be handled easily. It still hurts.

I just turned on the computer today after signing off this morning....which would have been 10:30pm on Friday night (after the hearing)...Lia's nanny sent me a simply said "Lia loves Mommy." It was exactly what I needed to hear.


Daniella said...

like I said on FB why would the end of the journey be easy - ugh. your almost there and it's normal so hang on she's almost home.

Unknown said...

Wendi, you are almost there! Think of all the wonderful years that you will share with your sweet girl. Big hugs from across the ocean.

Jocelyn said...

The next hearing will be the one...I know it will. I love the note you got from her nanny!! So sweet!!

Paul & Denice said...

Wendi & Joe,

Everything good will happen soon enough. Hang on!


Denice & Paul

Susan said...

12/10/07 I posted with the same title! (From Russia, after the scheduled hearing, which typically does NOT require a Part 2!). Anyway, you know the rest... :-)

Hang's hard, but this stuff will be all behind you soon enough!

Email Marketing Yenta said...

OMG...Susan, when I wrote the title is sounded familar. Ok, I feel better...all will be fine, but geez.