Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let’s pick up the mood here…F…U!

Yuck, in reading back over the past few posts, I have been so sad and frustrated. Granted, I sort of still am, I just need to write something a little lighter and happier. I have said it before…this wait stinks and I can't stand to feel stinky because of it!

No real adoption related anything. I did speak to my agency this week about a few things, and in sense, what we talked about gave me a renewed sense of hope. I encourage you, to be frank with your agencies and ask for the truth. Ask for just conversation. We are not c confrontational people. We are adults who are investing a lot of heart into this process. We are also your client "Mr. or Ms. Agency", so as someone who has spent a lifetime dealing with clients, treat them nicely. My friend MaryBeth received an inadequate response to an email she had sent. Bravo sister! Great response back to them. It's unacceptable. Remember friends, we are all on the same team here-our agencies and our families-we all want to bring home babies. If it's unacceptable for you treat someone that way, it's certainly unacceptable to be treated that way. (How the hell did I get off on this tangent? It is amazing when you don't know exactly what you are going to blog about, how the blog words come out and in places you really didn't know they would go.)

I taped an old Oprah episode that ran a few weeks back. She had a discussion about the SECRET and the Law of Attraction. I have written about this before. I truly believe. It's a tough concept, but how powerful to know that thoughts can help shape our reality. One Life Coach was on, Martha Beck. I totally will be paraphrasing what she says here, but she talks about wanting something out of desperation and wanting something from a place of peace. A place, where you are happy where you are, but would be much more complete with what you want. I liked that, and it made sense to me. Once again, she said it much more brilliantly then I. I am just trying not to feel and to appear desperate. There is nothing I can do but be powerful over this wait.

My sister said, it really is truly like trying to get knocked up (ok, not that my sister with three nieces - I mean three daughters-who got pregnant pretty quickly would really know, but she is a smart smart gal that Lori Jill). As the month starts up again, we get excited and feel optimistic as we attempt to "conceive" Each month that passes without any knowing deadlines is like getting our periods. We still aren't pregnant…except we are. On paper.

So, in putting this all together in one clear thought for myself..because like I said, I have no idea where this blog post is going, I am going to start looking at baby clothes again (well toddler), start imaging how the bedroom would look, maybe buy a gift of two for Lia-Rose. I was collecting books and stuffed animals. We have all just stopped doing this stuff because of how much it hurts. I am tired of letting that hurt hold me back from keeping positive. I am so sorry to say this but…F U hurt! F U negativity! Just F U!!! (Try feels really good!) I'm going shopping! (And if you were wondering, the image at the top is the Chinese character FU. )


Daniella said...

I am hysterical right now - u know why. I'm sitting on the boat, enjoying a glass of wine, checking bloglines - yours was first and made my whole night - cheers to fu.... xo

Email Marketing Yenta said...

daniella...much of this was written with you in mind F U!

Anonymous said...

Now you're talkin' sista'!!! Kick hurt, negativity in the you know what!

Gymboree is having a great sale on their clearance. They have an adorable line of panda clothes for baby girls. I gonna go get me a thing or 2 this fine chilly weekend.

Retail therapy is a 'good thing'.

FU wait, you can't beat down us expecting mommas! We're having a baby darn it!
Ahh that did feel good!

Chat soon!

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you that you feel a little better. I have asked for the truth from our agency and nothing they ever say to me gives me renewed hope. I am assuming you have hope since we are in different positions. Unless the agency said something otherwise. If you get a chance, please email me and let me know. Thanks!!

Hope you enjoyed your shopping and that you had a nice valentine's day!! Ours was nice but we went out last night to really celebrate. xoxo