Saturday, October 14, 2006

What is fair and what is not

I am feeling angry and sad. I am feeling incredibly sorry for myself. I am feeling pissed off.
I want my daughter. I want her home with me now! And it can't be. I want to feel like a mother. I want to take care of my child. I don't want this to be just an idea any longer, but reality.

How does one feel like a mom when she doesn't even know when she will see her child?
How does one continue to stay optimistic thru this long wait. I want to bring this baby home today. She needs me and I need her. It's time...and I hope the time moves quickly and life stays somewhat the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an expectant mom, and it takes a lot of patience. I know it's not fair, but I believe G-d gives us this intermindable wait to prepare us for motherhood. To give thought to all the ways our life is going to change, to make plans to fit this new person into your family. Treasure this time, the anticipation can be exciting, too, I know you have been waiting too long already, but I promise, the moment she is in your arms, it will be like she has been there forever.