Sunday, October 01, 2006

My day of atonement

Tonite is the most holy nite in theJewish religion, it marks the beginning of Yom Kippur when as Jews we ask g-d to forgive us for our sins. We also remember those who have past. Although I am not the most religious Jew, I take Yom Kippur very seriously. We Jews, begin a fast and for the next 24 hours I will not eat or drink. I usually use this time to really thank g-d for all that I have been blessed, and ask that g-d help me become a better person. I also spend the time being reflective and look to really organize matters in my life. With the arrival of my daughter in the near future, I am so grateful. I know that g-d will bring me the child that I am supposed to raise and love. I will mark this day very quietly, by myself. I will think , I will read, I will walk and I will reflect about how lucky I really am.

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