Monday, January 14, 2008

The most kissable

Ponim. Yes, a ponim. A face. In Yiddish that is. And yesterday I got my chance to kiss one kissable ponim...that of Alana Nika. I can't even tell you how quickly Susan and this adorable person have bonded. She's got eyes that can melt you and and a little body you just want to wrap up in your arms. The expressions are priceless. It is such a miracle to have this little new New Yorker formally from Russia in our midst. It brings you hope on a day when your agency tells you want they have no idea how long this wait is going to be. It gives you faith that in life you just never know what will happen. And those just want to kiss them for hours. Hope, faith, life's adventures and kissing a two year old to be who six weeks ago was in an know never know, you just never know.


Joanne said...

You never, never know ~ it still amazes me :)

Susan said...

It's still hard for me to believe, too! And tonite, when I put her in her crib, she kissed me on the cheek and gave me a big smile. (This is a big change from when she kisses her stuffed animals goodnite then turns away and giggles when I ask for one!)

Yep, just weeks ago...

Have faith. She's here to remind you!!!

Anonymous said...

Your life changes with a phone call...your post inspired me to look back at my adoption. I remember being on the phone with you when I got my video. Weeks of speculation and confusion, then *bam*'s just crazy.