Thursday, April 03, 2008

The pregnant man

It's true. I saw him. I saw a man who was pregnant. A man with as he says, "a small penis" is pregnant. His body bloated with baby and man body hair. Of course you know that this man was once a woman. He knew he wanted children one day and he kept his reproductive organs. He was a beautiful man. And, as weird as it was to watch. I was happy for him. His dream was coming true. His wife and her children were thrilled and excited. Something he said spoke out to me. He said, and I am paraphrasing, "I have the human right to give birth, to have a child." It made me cry. Cry tears of frustration and anger and despair. I have this right. YOU too have this right. This process feels so hard because it feels like this right is being just taken a way from me. My body denied me. I knew my road was adoption. I have the right to mother just as a man, who formally was a woman, has the right to have a child. Why are our rights being denied?

My friend Elizabeth comments in the post below that maybe its time to take her rose colored glasses off. Things are moving very very slowly. Even word of a new waiting child's list has been silenced. NOTHING is happening. Our friends, Paul and Denise, may miss the cut-off by one day. They have waited over two years.

As much attraction and optimism and belief as I throw out there to the world, Nothing is happening. I always put on the smile. I always am the one who says it's o'k. But you know what. It just isn't anymore. It's not o'k. It's not o'k that there are thousands of babies who need moms and dads, and we wait and are scrutinized and we are just denied. I am truly at a place tonight where this doesn't feel like it's going to happen. I will always be the great Auntie to all the babies and children in my life, and I am grateful for that. But, I am sorry, I want more. I need more.

My friends. I do not know anymore. It doesn't make sense, and it really hurts. *I add I am very PMS, so pardon this rant, but it actually feels good to get it off my chest. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I just want to exhale and believe again. But, I am worn out from believing. So tomorrow when I stand in line to get my expired fingerprints taken, I don't know how I'll feel. I am not a quitter. Never have been. But ....I don't know what to think anymore. I shout out to the UNIVERSE...I, TOO, LIKE THE PREGNANT MAN, HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A CHILD. I WILL NOT BE DENIED. HELP ME BELIEVE AGAIN, PLEASE.

PS I am not looking for sympathy. I am not a victim. I have so many friends who are in the same place as me right now. I am just very sad.


Anonymous said...

Very much looking forward to a cup of coffee and some wonderful conversation with you and Ms. Susan...we're gonna talk about this post. I feel so much for you and your situation...I just can't organize it all in a comment. We'll talk, vent, complain, whatever, OK?

Daniella said...

thinking of you today. Call me - too many thoughts for a comment. I know your getting printed so whenever you have some time, let's catch up. Seriously, the pregnant man thing is just weird to me.

Anonymous said...

Hi W, (and you too, Daniella),
I haven't posted in a while because I have just been in a dark place over this adoption. I just returned from Homeland Security. Jeff's fingerprints were fine. Once again mine were not readable so I had to have them taken again. Other than that, I have absolutely nothing to say about all this. For me, it just may not be a reality if the wait stays the same or grows. Hope things went better for you re: fingerprinting. Send my regards to both Susan and Rose. xoxo, Audrey

Susan said...

We will DEFINITELY chat and vent about this tomorrow! I know the situation stinks and there are no magic words. But venting to some folks who are with you and understand sure couldn't hurt....

(And that IS kinda creepy about the hairy pregnant dude!)

Anonymous said...

There are no words. I have begun to type many comment and then deleted them.

Here's the best I got on this topic...

If a former woman can get pregnant - us full fledged card carrying women should be able to have a baby.

I really need a major "It's not fair!" tantrum.

For all the good it would do..... wouldn't change a gosh darn thing.

But boy, would I feel great afterwards!

I finally have my schedule worked out for my trip to
NJ. I'll be in touch.
