Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lost in translation

So as you may or may not know, last week (see April 9th post) an article ran about the Chinese adoption wait times and I was quoted. I googled myself, just because I have nothing better to do, yeah right, and a bunch of new links came up. Apparently the article was picked up by a bunch of news outlets. I told Joe to Google me, and he did, finding a Chinese news website carrying the story. I got really excited. Who knows who could see it! So we decided to translate the article expecting it to read exactly as it did in English. Except…it didn't. Here's how it translated by Google translator=

Also with the same predicament of the 46-year-old Wendi Caplan-Carroll. 儘管Wnedi經歷了兩次婚姻,但她膝下並沒有子女。 Despite Wnedi went through two marriages, but she below knee and without children. 最初,她希望收養手續能在13個月裏完成。 Initially, she hoped that adoption procedures in the 13 months to complete. 但現在,整個流程已經走了整整2年了,還看不見結束的那一天。 But now, the entire process has been taking a full two years, also see the end of the day. "有些人已經放棄了,另外的家庭改為收養衣索比亞兒童了。我們不會滿世界的尋找孩子,我們把所有心思都押在中國的機會上面了。當你想孩子已經想瘋了的時候,再說放下已經很難了。" "Some people have given up, and the adoption of Ethiopia to the family of the children. We would not be complacent about the world looking for their children, we all thought were remanded in China the opportunity to above. When you want to have children to crazy time has been difficult to put aside a repeat. "


Now I realize that the translator is not exact, but two marriages! Yikes!!! For the record…I've been married once, and my knees above and below are just fine. You just never know what gets lost in translation!


KJ said...

hahahah - laughing so hard! i forgot to comment on the article - im really proud of you wendi. just wanted to tell you that. the wait sucks ... and is harder than i can pretend to understand (though I'm sure I will oneday) -- but I'm so impressed w how active you are... how you share your story with the world, instead of keeping it to yourself (which might be safer and easier). You will never know how many people you help. xoxo

Susan said...

LMAO here...!!!

I'll admit, I was a little concerned about what was going on below your knees.

LJC said...

That is Priceless!!! lololol!

Jocelyn said...

That is sooo funny!! Can I have your autograph?? You are famous...even with all the knee issues:-)

Anonymous said...

Just when you really need something to laugh about.... you get it. Thanks for sharing. You always seem to entertain - or at least, enlighten me.

Still waiting for "last call" to go get my cutie pie. The waits never seem to end.
Happy Passover to all -

Love, Anonnie

Anonymous said...


Wow!This would make a great case study for a communications class.


Unknown said...

LOL!!oh, Wendi, this is precious. Here I am LOL in a semi-public place. I love the "knees"

Yen973 said...

Glad your knees are fine. I brought my little pumpkin home to Jersey almost 2 years ago. I know its a long wait, but I promise it is so worth it.
Dana (Shealin's Mommy)

Anonymous said...

Happy Passover Wendi to you, Joe, Lori, Little Lories (her kids) and everyone...

Anonnie.... still waiting in scarsdale for court date in Tver.

Email Marketing Yenta said...

Happy Passover Anonnie..aka Waiting in Scarsdale. Any updates???? xoxoox

Anonymous said...

Wendi - please give me your email address. No mnajor updates, but I want to be in touch -

Happy Pesach... to you and your crew...xxoo


Email Marketing Yenta said...

Hi Anonnie...yeah! My email is dashish@aol.com