Thursday, November 01, 2007

a ok

My procedure went well yesterday. Aside from some cramps (truly mild) and a bit of post-procedure woozy-ness, I am fine. My anesthigiologist (totally spelled wrong, I know) was a Chinese woman. She was so nice and I asked her to wake me up saying "Nee How". It was funny because I was yapping away to her about my adoption as my doctor, the very same one who tried to get me pregnant stood by. I just thought it so ironic. But all this is over. That is good.

The other night I was at a fanastic very NY charity dinner. Sat right next to me was a very beautiful young woman. She told me her age (young twenties) and then I gasped that I although I would have been very young, could have been her mom. Add to that she was Chinese and we laughed, because of course I told her my daughter is waiting for me in China, she called herself "my daughter in the future". I loved that. We were having an interesting discussion about what her Chinese culture meant to her and she said, family, food and who she is or isn't supposed to be with. I am paraphrasing, but in many ways I would answer the very same thing.about what being Jewish means to me.

I have to thank my friend Daniella for the very special surprise. I am going to try to find a picture of it to post, I am lame, I do not know how to download pics very is a handmade gift just for Lia-Rose (a small blankie that a fellow blgger designs) it is fantastic and I know her daughter Mimi will be holding hers along with L-R in China! D it was reallyso sweet of you. I love the color choice! You got me!

Last nite I watched Private Practice, which I may like bettter then Grey's...there was a storyline about a woman with a serious disease who was trying not to have a baby because she was going to die. Addison, and not my niece but the character, said to her that everyone has the right in life to live the life they choose and have the children they desire. I agree with that sentiment. These days are not easy days for me. I fight everyday to believe, to hold faith, to stay positive. I have the right to be a mother. It is a need deep inside of me. I have my punching gloves on and I am going to fight through this wait.


Susan said...

Yay!!! So glad the procedure went well with only minimal ickiness after. You must be so thrilled to have that behind you. L-R has a tough mama. :-)

Daniella said...

Glad it went well - been thinking of you. Catch up when you can.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better today. Keep me posted. I am wearing my Believe necklace today...I am trying to believe and have faith. Looks like a big whopping jump of referrals for 6 whole days. They have to increase this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to believe, trying to believe...

Stephanie said...

So glad your procedure went well and is behind you. I haven't been able to watch Private Practice because of the store and am so looking forward to it. And lastly, I'm fighting right along side you.
