Monday, February 26, 2007

13 going on....

Or I should say, almost 46 going on 13! I had so much fun this weekend. It was Addie's birthday and my sister, the best mom in the world, had a beautiful party for her at a place where the kids get to pick their own pottery and paint it. Soooo cute. A bunch of little six year olds who just ruled. Then I got to hang out with my niece Hayley and her gang of beautiful friends. All 13 years old. These kids are so sharp, and so together. Were we this way when we were young? No way. I was gawky and geeky. They are just so confident and have a way about them that is just too much. My sister yelled at me when I tried to step into the group of cheerleaders and join in their conversation! I forgot that they were so much younger then me! Come on!!! I want to be a cheerleader . The only thing is I didn't spend enough time with Sydney, my almost 12 year old niece, who kicked me out of her bedroom on Sunday morning because she wanted some "peace!"

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