Saturday, December 30, 2006

An Early Happy 2007

Just waiting for my sister Lori and family to join us for the New Year's celebration. We have big plans for the kids....months ago my mother and I bought all of us tickets to see Wicked on Broadway! My nieces are obsessed with the music and they are super psyched to see the show. I am also thrilled to introduce my stepdaughter to the wonder of Broadway. We are going tommorow to the matinee, so on the way out we will get a glimpse of the craziness of Times Square. What a year this has been for me! Truly remarkable. Honestly, a year at this time, I had no idea that I'd be blogging about the upcoming adoption of my baby girl. It really is pretty incredible. One of the big reasons we made the decision to adopt came from a conversation I was having with my coach Cindy. We were talking about life choices, and my decision to possibly accept the fact that I wouldn't have a child. She posed the following question to me: "Wendi, what are you more afraid of ....having a child? or NOT having a child. The answer took me probably 1 was so clear to me....not having a child was far more frightening. Once I really accepted the fact that I desired motherhood (I kept making excuses) more then anything in the was very easy for us to make the decision that this adoption from China was the way to bring our child to us. Thank god for that simple, most profound question. It was a major wake up call that I needed this year. I wish for us all, a Happy and a very Healthy 2007. Whether our babies come this year or not, we can count on the fact that as each day passes, we are one day closer to having our dreams come true!!!!!


Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Enjoy the Wizard Broadway show, how special to be going on NY eve.
My first memory of wanting independence was when I was 16 and "planned" with other friends to go to NYC for NY eve. Well, of course when it got close to time to make real arrangements, noone could go, and I had an aha moment: if I want to go anywhere, do anything, gotta make the plans myself and make it happen.
Kind of like our adoption stories!
Be well.

Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic day! And have a fantastic new year! It's gonna be a good year.