Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stuck at the airport

I have been stuck for 8 hours heading to Boston for day one of my new job. I have eaten lunch-salad and dinner-greek salad and one frozen yogurt, have had a cup of coffee, diet coke and a sushi roll. I bought a three magazines, one book and a pair of pants on sale at Brooks Brothers just in case my luggage doesn't make it. I am now sitting next to a lovely woman from Tawain and we are chatting about a few things. I am tired. I am excited. I am anxous to get there. My battery is almost running out.

Today a wonderful old co-worker passed away, Isaac Hayes. I had the pleasure of working with this icon in the mid-90's. He was awesome and down to earth. One big memory I have of him is when we were doing a concert at Madison Square Garden. I told him, "Issac, you must end by 10:30 or else it's going to cost us a ton." I said that to him one or two times and made the poor guy so nervous, that he cut the concert off early, literally in the middle of his famous "Shaft." Another time, he came to me and asked for some help. I said, "Sure, what can I do for you." He said, "Would you ask (don't remember her name) if she would be interested in going out with me?" I looked at him like he was crazy. And he wasn't! It was so cute. Anywy, Issac, god bless you. I will always fondly remember those years we worked together. You were the greatest.


Anonymous said...

OK, I am way behind in blogs...soooo good to see your words here again! And so sorry about this airport wait.

And you made Isaac Hayes stop his concert in the middle of
Shaft?" Jeez,'re tough.

LJC said...

Oh, wow, da shish, I saw that he passed away, and thought of you immediately. Remember you used to tell Hayley that they should be friends since they had similar names?

Love you!


Jocelyn said...

Hope you made it there safe and sound!! Good luck!

Daniella said...

Oh no, I hope you didn't have to wait much longer. I can not stand airport delays. They stink. So sad about Isaac Hayes - very cool that you knew him.