Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nasty mommy

O'k, I admit it. I am a foul mood. Yes, there is a ton of things going on in my life....too many too mention, but adding to that is the fact that my hormones are complety out of wack. I am a 45 1/2 year old my guess is that my PMS is coupled with Pre Menopause, so as you can imagine it "ain't' great. In fact, it's pretty terrible. And it's been going on for fact fourteen of them!!! Don't ask, but it seems like it is never going to end. So I admit...I have limited will power.....forget counting Weight Watchers points...I want to count how bags of popcorn are left. Additionally, I get mad at the smallest things....think everyone hates me...wonder if I am ever going to see my baby and from time to time, I think the world is crazy and I am the only sane one! There is this woman who rides the bus with me and every morning she seats next to her friend. And, imagine it's 7am, your still half asleep, you just want to relax and you hear constant chatter about ridiculous things! I wanted to physically bunch her in the fact this morning!!! That would be adoptive mommy to be on charges of physical assault....g-d, forgive me...I am a Premenopusal, pre-menstrual mother to be!!!


Anonymous said...

Nah, forget all that stuff. You're just a normal woman waiting ever-so-patiently for your baby. The journey is long and could you not want to want to beat that woman senseless? Have some salt and chocolate...or a margarita!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendi, yea, been there, done that, even gave more than the evil eye to the chatters: what is fun is when you DO have little Lia with you, and you start yelling at the lady at the checkout in the grocery store when they (the computer) does not ring up your discount...and on and on. Eventually my daughter would NOT go grocery shopping with me...too embarrassing! Oh, tip for the chatters: quietly put your finger to your lips, and say 'shhhhh',less is more', this freaks them out so much they do shut up.
The good news, motherhood does tend to make you kinder & gentler, and forget those PMS/peri-menopausal blues. You DO have a lot of stresses, with your husbands upcoming surgery. Admit these and find someone at work who is willing to give you a big hug for the times when your husband is not there. Meanwhile, take a deep breath, and go shopping for something for Lia. I confess today I bought 2 shirts for a ?3 year old, could not resist, they said 'Dutch Rose', so I AM going to start shopping for basics, things I can use later (?2 years from now), onesies & PJ's and toys. And I visited my friend with a cutie 1 1/5 year old son yesterday, so got my baby fix for the week. That helps! go offer to make dinner for a friend with baby whose husband is out for the night, or just babysit occasionally. I finally got a babyname book and am leaning toward Elise and Adrianna. I thought of Olivia but it seems to be real popular now. Now I gotta get dh to agree....
Wish I could be there, but here is a big VIRTUAL HUG 8) everyone needs a few real ones each day, we forget! even with the dh's..
OK, be well and know that the PMS too will pass.
Tot ziens from
Mary Beth in Amsterdam