Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So much to say

I am so tirede. But, I need to write some updates! Things are really settling in. I am more relaxed which makes everyone else...especially Lia more relaxed. She is amazing. EVERYONE loves her. She starts pre-school/camp/daycare next week. We did a few trial runs. It was awful last week. I was with her and she wanted nothing to do with anyone...but me. Today, I left her. She was amazing. I was outside spying and saw her playing and smiling and actually being with kids and not be aggressive. When she is with me will hit for some reason. The teachers told me she was perfectly fine. Quiet and observant. And no tears. I came to get her and she cried out and ran to me and held me so long. I am so proud of her She goes to my wondeful neighbor/babysitters twice a week. She loves it and they love her. She is fantastic. Beautiful, sassy, funny and perfect.

Some words to date:

Oh my god, you've got mail, Lia do, Mommy's, Daddy's, ice-a-cream, happy birthday to you as a good bye greeting...stop it... molly don't (to my dog) wash my hands, wash my feet, poo, pee, coffee (anything you drink)....

We love her so much. I'll post more photos soon.
I've learned that motherhood is really exhausting. So off to sleep I to Lia who is snuggled in bed with her papa!

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